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Board of Directors

NASB is governed by a Board of Directors, which consists of 19 regional directors and four officers. They meet (at least) five times per year to discuss policy direction and adopt the annual NASB budget. Our legislative positions and bylaws change, which originate predominantly from local school boards of education, must be debated and approved annually, first by a Legislation Committee, and then the Board of Directors and Delegate Assembly. The Delegate Assembly affords each member board a voice in determining the political direction of the organization. Term ends 2024 for Odd Numbered Regions. Term ends 2026 for Even Number Regions. 

YOUR NASB Officers

   IMG 3423  Stacy J Jolley square 2  Brad 2019 IMG 3853

Sandy Noffsinger - President - Dundy County Stratton - snoffsinger@NASBonline.org  
Stacy Jolley - President-Elect - Millard - sjolley@NASBonline.org  
Brad Wilkins - Vice President - Ainsworth - bwilkins@NASBonline.org
Kim Burry - Past President - Bayard - kburry@NASBonline.org  

2023 Officers

YOUR Region Directors

IMG 2345  Sarah Centineo  Renee Vokt 1 scaled 500 sq  Ralston Elizabeth Kumru 2022 AMM sq  GetImage  Ricky Smith  TracyCasady white square        IMG 0465  Wagner  IMG 2617  SteveKoch  Sandman Sapp Michelle R 2021 white sq  Leyton Suzy Ernest sq  Amanda McGill sq

Region 1 - Neal Kanel - HTRS - nkanel@NASBonline.org  
Region 2 - Sarah Centineo - Bellevue - scentineo@NASBonline.org  
Region 3 - Renee Vokt - Elkhorn - rvokt@NASBonline.org  
Region 4 - Elizabeth Kumru - Ralston - ekumru@NASBonline.org  
Regions 5, 6 & 7 - Shavonna Holman - Omaha - sholman@NASBonline.org  
Regions 5, 6 & 7 - Ricky Smith - Omaha - rsmith@NASBonline.org  
Regions 5, 6 & 7 - Tracy Casady - Omaha - tcasady@NASBonline.org  
Regions 8 & 9 - Don Mayhew - dmayhew@NASBonline.org    
Regions 8 & 9 - Piyush Srivastav - Lincoln - psrivastav@NASBonline.org  
Region 10 - Ed Swotek - Malcolm - eswotek@NASBonline.org   
Region 11 - Jim Vlach - Lyons-Decatur Northeast - jvlach@NASBonline.org  
Region 12 - Lisa Wagner - Central City - lwagner@NASBonline.org  
Region 13 - Marilyn Bohn - ESU 10 - mbohn@NASBonline.org  
Region 14 - Steve Koch - Hershey - skoch@NASBonline.org   
Region 15 - Allison Sandman - Wauneta-Palisade - asandman@NASBonline.org  
Region 16 - Suzanne Sapp - Ashland-Greenwood - ssapp@NASBonline.org
Region 17 - Michelle Reikofski - Osmond -  mreikofski@NASBonline.org  
Region 18 - Susan Ernest - Leyton - sernest@NASBonline.org  
Region 19 - Amanda McGill Johnson - Millard - ajohnson@NASBonline.org  

Member Districts by Region

(Neal Kanel - HTRS - nkanel@NASBonline.org )
Auburn Public Schools
Beatrice Public Schools
Bruning-Davenport Unified System
Crete Public Schools
Deshler Public Schools
Diller-Odell Public Schools
Dorchester Public Schools
ESU 4 & ESU 5
Exeter - Milligan Public Schools
Fairbury Public Schools
Falls City Public Schools
Fillmore Central Public Schools
Freeman Public Schools
Friend Public Schools
HTRS Public Schools
Johnson Brock Public Schools
Johnson County Central Public Schools
Lewiston Consolidated School
Meridian Public Schools
Nebraska City Public Schools
Norris School District 160
Palmyra District OR-1
Pawnee City Public Schools
Shickley Public Schools
Southern School District
Sterling Public Schools
Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Public Schools
Thayer Central Community Schools
Tri County Public Schools
Wilber-Clatonia Public School

  REGIONS 2, 3 & 4
(Sarah Centineo - Bellevue - scentineo@NASBonline.org )
(Renee Vokt - Elkhorn - rvokt@NASBonline.org )
(Elizabeth Kumru - Ralston - ekumru@NASBonline.org )
Bellevue Public Schools
Bennington Public Schools
Douglas County West Community Schools
Elkhorn Public Schools
Gretna Public Schools
Papillion La Vista Community Schools
Ralston Public Schools
Springfield Platteview Community Schools
Westside Community Schools

REGION 5, 6 & 7
(Shavonna Holman - Omaha - sholman@NASBonline.org 
(Ricky Smith - Omaha - rsmith@NASBonline.org )
(Tracy Casady - Omaha - tcasady@NASBonline.org 
Omaha Public Schools & ESU 19

(Don Mayhew - dmayhew@NASBonline.org )
(Piyush Srivastav - Lincoln - psrivastav@NASBonline.org )
Lincoln Public Schools & ESU 18

(Ed Swotek - Malcolm - eswotek@NASBonline.org )
Conestoga Public Schools
Elmwood-Murdock Public Schools
Louisville Public Schools
Malcolm Public Schools
Plattsmouth Community Schools
Raymond Central Public Schools
Waverly School District 145
Weeping Water Public Schools

(Jim Vlach - Lyons-Decatur Northeast - jvlach@NASBonline.org )
Arlington Public Schools
Bancroft-Rosalie Public Schools
Blair Community Schools
Emerson-Hubbard Public Schools
ESU 1 & ESU 2
Fort Calhoun Community Schools
Fremont Public Schools
Homer Community School
Logan View Public Schools
Lyons-Decatur Northeast
North Bend Central Public Schools
Oakland-Craig Public Schools
Pender Public Schools
Scribner-Snyder Community Schools
South Sioux City Community Schools
Tekamah-Herman Schools
Umo ho Nation Public Schools
Wakefield Community School
Walthill Public School
Wayne Community Schools
West Point Public Schools
Winnebago Public Schools
Winside Public Schools
Wisner-Pilger Public Schools

(Lisa Wagner - Central City - lwagner@NASBonline.org )
Amherst Public Schools
Arcadia Public Schools
Aurora Public Schools
Boone Central Schools
Central City Public Schools
Central Valley Public Schools
Centura Public Schools
Doniphan-Trumbull Public School
Elba Public Schools
Elm Creek Public Schools
Fullerton Public Schools
Giltner Public Schools
Grand Island Public Schools
Hampton Public Schools
Litchfield Public Schools
Loup City Public Schools
Northwest Public Schools
Ord Public Schools
Palmer Public Schools
Pleasanton Public Schools
Ravenna Public Schools
Riverside Public Schools
St. Edward Public Schools
St. Paul Public Schools
Twin River Public Schools
Wheeler Central Schools
Wood River Rural Schools

(Marilyn Bohn - ESU 10 - mbohn@NASBonline.org )
Adams Central Public Schools
Axtell Community School
Bertrand Community School
ESU 9 & ESU 10
Gibbon Public Schools
Hastings Public Schools
Kearney Public Schools
Kenesaw Public Schools
Loomis Public School
Minden Public Schools
Shelton Public Schools
Silver Lake Public Schools

(Steve Koch - Hershey - skoch@NASBonline.org )
Ainsworth Community Schools
Anselmo-Merna Public School
Ansley Public School
Arnold Public Schools
Boyd County Public Schools
Brady Public Schools
Broken Bow Public Schools
Burwell Public Schools
Callaway Public Schools
Chadron Public Schools
Cody-Kilgore Unified Schools
Crawford Public Schools
ESU 17
Gordon-Rushville School
Hay Springs Public Schools
Hershey Public Schools
Keya Paha County Schools
Loup County Public School
Maxwell Public Schools
McPherson County School
Mullen Public Schools
North Platte Public Schools
Rock County Public Schools
Sandhills Public Schools
Sargent Public Schools
Stapleton Public Schools
Sutherland Public School
Thedford Public Schools
Valentine Community Schools
Wallace Public School

(Allison Sandman - Wauneta-Palisade - asandman@NASBonline.org )
Alma Public Schools
Arapahoe-Holbrook Public Schools
Blue Hill Community Schools
Cambridge Public Schools
Chase County Schools
Cozad Community Schools
Dundy County Stratton Schools
Elwood Public Schools
ESU 11 & ESU 15
Eustis-Farnam Public Schools
Franklin Public Schools
Gothenburg Public Schools
Harvard Public Schools
Hayes Center Public Schools
Hitchcock County Schools
Holdrege Public Schools
Lawrence-Nelson School District
Lexington Public Schools
Maywood Public Schools
McCook Public Schools
Medicine Valley Public Schools
Overton Public Schools
Perkins County Schools
Red Cloud Community Schools
Sandy Creek Public Schools
Southern Valley Schools
Southwest Public Schools
Sumner-Eddyville-Miller Schools
Superior Public Schools
Sutton Public Schools
Wauneta-Palisade Public Schools
Wilcox-Hildreth Public School

(Suzanne Sapp - Ashland-Greenwood - ssapp@NASBonline.org )
Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools
Cedar Bluffs Public Schools
Centennial Public School
Clarkson Public Schools
Columbus Public Schools
Cross County Community Schools
David City Public Schools
East Butler Public Schools
ESU 6 & ESU 7
Heartland Community Schools
High Plains Community Schools
Howells-Dodge Consolidated School District
Humphrey Public Schools
Lakeview Community Schools
Leigh Community Schools
McCool Junction Public Schools
Mead Public Schools
Milford Public Schools
Osceola Public Schools
Schuyler Community Schools
Seward Public Schools
Shelby-Rising City Public Schools
Stanton Community Schools
Wahoo Public Schools
York Public Schools
Yutan Public Schools

(Michelle Reikofski - Osmond - mreikofski@NASBonline.org )
Allen Consolidated Schools
Battle Creek Public Schools
Bloomfield Public Schools
Chambers Public Schools
Creighton Public Schools
Crofton Community Schools
Elgin Public Schools
Elkhorn Valley Schools
Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools
Isanti Community School
Laurel-Concord-Coleridge School
Madison Public Schools
Neligh-Oakdale Public Schools
Newman Grove Public Schools
Niobrara Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools
O'Neill Public Schools
Osmond Community Schools
Pierce Public Schools
Plainview Public Schools
Ponca Public Schools
Randolph Public Schools
Stuart Public Schools
Summerland Public School
Verdigre Public School
Wausa Public Schools
West Holt Public Schools
Wynot Public Schools

(Susan Ernest - Leyton - sernest@NASBonline.org )
Alliance Public Schools
Arthur County Schools
Banner County School
Bayard Public Schools
Bridgeport Public Schools
Creek Valley Public Schools
ESU 13 & ESU 16
Garden County Schools
Gering Public Schools
Hemingford Public Schools
Hyannis Area Schools
Kimball Public Schools
Leyton Public Schools
Minatare Public Schools
Mitchell Public Schools
Morrill Public Schools
Ogallala Public Schools
Paxton Consolidated Schools
Potter-Dix Public Schools
Scottsbluff Public Schools
Sidney Public Schools
Sioux County Schools
South Platte School District 95

(Amanda McGill Johnson - Millard - ajohnson@NASBonline.org )
Millard Public Schools

NASB Region Bylaws

Organization of NASB Regions – NASB Corporate Bylaws
Article IV – Organization

§1. This Association is organized as one general state association with regions established by the Board of Directors.

A. The Nebraska State Legislature Districts will be used as a guide for drawing NASB Region boundaries. Each region shall consist of not fewer than two Nebraska Unicameral legislative districts. Changes to the regional boundaries shall be determined every 10 years after the United States Decennial Census and legislature boundaries are specified.

B. If the boundaries of the school district of a member board cross into more than one NASB Region, the member board shall be assigned to a single NASB Region by the Board of Directors. Criteria considered in making this determination shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1. Location of the central office of the member board;
2. Location of the majority of the population of the district of the member board;
3. Location of the majority of the real property of the district of the member board;
4. Expressed preference of the member board.