The annual Advocacy Handbook with NASB's legislative and leadership initiatives for 2025 is now posted.
2025 Advocacy Handbook

The Advocacy Handbook includes any changes to NASB’s Bylaws, Standing Positions & Legislative Resolutions that were approved by membership at the previous years Delegate Assembly.
The Advocacy Handbook includes:
Welcome - Your Role, Advocacy & Engagement
Your State Senators
Your NASB Legislation Committee
NASB Positions: What Does This Represent?
- And more ...
Have something that you feel “... ought to be a law” regarding public education in Nebraska, CLICK HERE to submit it for future consideration.
(Approved at the 2024 Delegate Assembly, to be used during the 2024 Legislative Session)
NASB's 2025 Standing Positions
. . . as approved by the Legislation Committee on August 16, 2024
. . . and approved by the Board of Directors on August 17, 2024
. . . and approved by the Delegate Assembly on November 22, 2024
Standing positions are statements of purpose which are developed and maintained over time. They are considered annually by the Delegate Assembly, and remain in effect until they are actively removed.
Belief Statements for an Effective Board
S-1 — Board Development - NASB encourages boards of education to take part in board in-service and development programs and to budget funds for such programs. (1995)
S-2 — Board Recognition - NASB believes the service of school boardsmanship is fundamental to participatory democracy and deserves recognition collectively and individually from state and local communities. (prior to 1995)
S-3 — Business and Education Partnerships - NASB encourages boards of education to develop mutually beneficial partnerships with business to ensure mutual understanding and cooperation.(1995)
S-4 — Collaborative Services to Youth - NASB urges collaborative linkages between schools and other public and private agencies that serve children. (prior to 1995)
S-5 — Leadership Team - NASB believes that each board of education should create an administrative leadership team, which should include all supervisory and managerial employees including the superintendent and board members. (prior to 1995, amended 2007)
S-6 — Parent Involvement - NASB urges boards of education to support partnerships between parents and schools that encourage parent involvement in the education process. (1997)
S-7 — Policy - NASB considers it imperative that boards of education adopt clearly defined, flexible policies after input from the administration, parents, employees, and other interested parties. Policies, based on a clear understanding of the education process, should be thoroughly reviewed annually. The execution of policy is the responsibility of professional administrators and staff. (prior to 1995)
S-8 — Use of Accountability Data for School Improvement - NASB supports using school accountability data to determine potential strategies/resources for helping schools improve. We support the concept of growth or learning mindset which suggests that school effectiveness is assessed as an improvement process. Our perspective is that all schools in Nebraska are important and have opportunities to become more effective as quality educational systems. (2020)
S-9 — Abuse of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs - NASB supports efforts by boards of education and state and national officials to strictly enforce policies regarding the sale, use or possession of illegal drugs including methamphetamine, marijuana, THC products and synthetic equivalents of THC and marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, nicotine products, vapor products (including e-cigarettes), and any products intended by appearance or effect to replicate tobacco products on school property. The designation of “drug free zones” near schools is also urged. (prior to 1995, amended 2015)
S-10 — At-Risk Students and the Achievement Gap - NASB recognizes that there are many children and youth who are experiencing special difficulties in achieving high education standards. NASB supports increased funding to help close the gap in educational opportunity and educational achievement, and urges boards of education to work with, and obtain increased funding from the state Legislature, as well as state and federal education agencies to assist at-risk children and youth in making adequate educational progress. (prior to 1995, amended 2009)
S-11 — Cooperation with HHS - NASB supports legislation which mandates cooperation and consultation with school districts as it relates to the placement of children under the custody of DHHS. Comprehensive information about a child’s educational needs should be shared with a school district prior to the placement of a student in a new school district. (2020)
S-12 — Early Childhood Education - NASB supports quality early childhood education programs accessible to all children and advocates programs that provide age-appropriate activities to prepare children for school. (prior to 1995)
S-13 — Enrollment Option; Homebound Students - NASB supports legislation stating that when an option student becomes homebound, the school district in which the student resides assumes full responsibility for educating the student. (1998, amended 2016)
S-14 — Enrollment Option Limitation - NASB supports legislation returning option students to the resident school district if the option district must contract with another school district or agency for the educational services needed by the student. (1996, amended 2016)
S-15 — Liability for Medication Administration - NASB supports legislation that would limit the liability of a school district and school district representatives for the administering of prescription medication to students. (1999, amended 2013, 2016)
S-16 — Mental & Behavioral Health - NASB will support legislative efforts to provide services related to mental and behavioral health to school-age children across Nebraska. (2018)
S-17 — Nutrition Education/Student Wellness - NASB believes that wellness programs for schools should emphasize healthy lifestyles and eating habits, mindful of all eating disorders, as well as obesity. (2004)
S-18 — Safe School Environment - NASB supports efforts to provide a school environment that is free from weapons, harassment, bullying, violence, drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), and other factors which threaten the safety of students and staff. (1997, amended 2012)
S-19 — Statewide Poverty/Trauma Funding - NASB recognizes the growing number of public school students across the state that are living in impoverished conditions and/or with traumatic experiences. NASB supports the use of research-based science to strengthen policy, program design and funding that targets those impacted by persistent poverty and/or trauma. (2017)
S-20 — Student Discipline - NASB opposes legislative mandates related to student discipline. NASB supports student discipline as an essential, mutual responsibility of parents, teachers, and administrators, with final responsibility resting with school boards. (1999, amended 2019)
S-21 — Access to Equal Education Opportunities - NASB supports equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their race, wealth or family circumstance, and urges the Legislature, the State Department of Education, and boards of education to remove all barriers that may prevent any child from having full access to such education opportunities. (1995, amended 2009)
S-22 — Achievement Test Score Use - NASB opposes the use of test scores for the comparison of school districts or for the ranking of schools. (1998)
S-23 — Assessment of Student Learning - NASB supports multiple approaches to assess student learning, with decisions on assessment made at the local district level, and opposes a single “high-stakes” testing procedure. (2001)
S-24 — Cultural Diversity - NASB urges all boards of education to support and implement curriculum which recognizes cultural diversity and enhances the knowledge of students about various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. (prior to 1995)
S-25 — Curriculum Adoption - NASB opposes legislative mandates addressing curriculum and testing. NASB supports the adoption of curriculum by local school boards and the State Board of Education. (2019)
S-26 – Library/Media Content - NASB supports that school district library/media content is a local decision. (2022)
S-27 — Responding to Special Education Costs - NASB supports legislative efforts to give school districts that incur unforeseeable additional special education expenses assistance to alleviate cash flow problems. (2005)
S-28 — Student Expression - NASB supports the authority of the local boards of education and school administration to regulate the content of school-sponsored publications and curriculum. (1997, amended 2009)
S-29 — Support of Early Childhood Programs in the Community -
NASB will support early childhood education programs at the community level, which may include redefining economic development programs to include early childhood infrastructure development for communities and will support early childhood programs as an element in community comprehensive plans.(2018)
S-30 — Technology - NASB supports equal access to current technology for all school districts so they may engage all students in the curriculum, to equip them for an increasingly technological society and job market, and to provide them greater access to education services. (prior to 1995)
S-31 — Accounting of Funds - NASB supports transparent accounting and full disclosure of all funds received and expended for public education consistent with federal regulations. (2005)
S-32 — Budget Lid: Growth Factor - NASB supports legislation which would establish an education expenditures “growth factor” which reflects the actual cost of providing a public education for school districts, learning communities, and ESUs. (2001, amended 2008)
S-33 — Compensation for Statewide Standards & Assessments - NASB supports adequate funding to compensate school districts/ESUs for the cost of implementing and managing the statewide learning standards and assessments. (2008, amended 2009, 2013)
S-34 — Elimination of Budget Reserve Limits - NASB supports legislation that eliminates reserve limitation in the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and in debt service funds. (2000, amended 2001)
S-35 — Elimination of Expenditure Limitation - NASB supports legislation eliminating the limitation on general fund expenditures. (2000, amended 2011)
S-36 — ESU Core Services Funding - NASB supports legislation to adequately fund Educational Service Units in a manner that allows successful implementation of statewide educational initiatives that are developed by law in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Education. (2009, amended 2015)
S-37 — Expand use of Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund -
NASB supports the expansion of the Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund to include modifications for student and staff security including cyber security. (2015)
S-38 — Financing Capital Improvements - NASB supports adequate funding for school districts and ESUs for maintenance or replacement of our rapidly deteriorating facilities. (1997, amended 2015)
S-39 — Fiscal Policy - NASB believes the Governor and Legislature must work together to create fiscal policy that will adequately fund public education statewide based upon the needs of students and not driven by a pre-set allocation of funds for education regardless of need. Nebraska demographics and student needs are dynamic, as are the changing education standards required to be competitive nationally and internationally. To meet this challenge, fiscal policy would be built upon a broad base with the lowest possible rates to provide stability in the tax base and revenue stream, provide local government with the tools to generate adequate financial resources, yet equalize financial support among taxpayers, and assure the principle of uniform assessment. (prior to 1995, amended 2009)
S-40 — For-Profit Entities Operating in Tax-Exempt Zones - NASB supports legislation to ensure equitable tax payments by for-profit business ventures operating on publicly owned or otherwise exempt property. (2003)
S-41 — Funding of Mandated Programs - NASB urges full funding by the state and federal governments at statutory levels of all programs, standards, activities, and services mandated to public schools and ESUs by the Legislature and Congress, and further urges that any unfunded mandates allow authority for supplementary appropriations or outside levy lid funding. (1997, amended 2012, 2017, 2019)
S-42 — Funding: School District Infrastructure, Site Purchases and Building Operating Expenses - NASB supports legislation that would provide an alternative to property taxes for financing facility development, maintenance, and operation. (2003)
S-43 — General Fund Reserve Limit Exception - NASB supports legislation that would not allow school districts to be penalized or state aid to be adjusted, to a school disadvantage, when any type of error or correction is made in calculating the state aid formula. (1999, amended 2016)
S-44 — Including Gifts, Donations, or Foundation Funds as Receivables - NASB opposes the inclusion of gifts, endorsements, donations, or foundation expenditures that are not regular operating expenses in the calculation of receivables in the state aid formula. (2000)
S-45 — K-12 School Trust Land and Permanent School Fund - NASB opposes any action that would reduce the assets, or the value thereof,, of the school land trust or diversion of the Permanent School Fund. (prior to 1995, amended 2010, 2024)
S-46 — Legislation Implementation - NASB supports the concept that any legislative bill that limits financial resources, or requires additional financial resources, is done within a timeframe that will not negatively affect the school’s ability to prepare their budget. (1997, amended 2015, 2017, 2019)
S-47 — Legislative Review of Statutory Deadlines - NASB urges legislative review of the conflicting mandatory deadlines that affect school revenues and expenditures. (2011)
S-48 — Lower Local Effort Rate - NASB supports lowering the Local Effort Rate and valuations in TEEOSA which would increase equalization aid. (2024)
S-49 — Property Tax Reform/Relief - Any legislative discussion on property tax and distribution of state aid should include participation from school board and ESU board members. (2015)
S-50 — Reset the Revenue Lid - NASB supports legislation requiring the Nebraska Department of Education to recalculate the revenue lid to add the amount of the special education reimbursement, or alternatively, to not include the special education reimbursement in the revenue restricted by the lid. (2024)
S-51 — Revenue Reductions for School Districts Affected by Property Valuation Losses - NASB supports legislation that would create a hold harmless effect for districts which experience a decrease in valuation. (2004)
S-52 — School District Options in Dealing with Large, Unanticipated Revenues - NASB supports legislation giving school boards options in dealing with large, unanticipated revenue increases in order to minimize fluctuations in state aid. (2000)
S-53 — School and ESU Funding Must Be Predictable and Sustainable - Notwithstanding any current standing position or resolution, the NASB would consider the support of a school/ESU funding proposal only if it could be demonstrated to be predictable, sustainable, and it does not encroach on local control as defined by the locally elected school board or ESU members. (2024)
S-54 — Special Building Fund Tax Levy Exclusion - NASB supports amending the Nebraska Statutes that address budgeting and spending lid restrictions to allow school districts the ability to utilize up to fourteen cents of the Special Building Fund tax levy outside of the budgeting and spending lid restriction so that districts can plan for and fund capital improvement projects, building repairs and upgrades, and school district infrastructure needs. (2007, amended 2020)
S-55 — State Funding System - NASB supports a stable, predictable, equitable, and adequate statewide education funding system that honors the Legislature’s commitment to provide for free instruction in the common schools of this state, as guaranteed by the Nebraska Constitution, by prioritizing education funding in the state budget, and that:
- Invests in the education of all Nebraska public school children;
- Establishes a state fund or funding mechanism that assists Nebraska public schools with the costs of maintaining and constructing facilities;
- Reduces our dependence on local property taxes by drawing revenue from multiple funding sources;
- Promotes the responsibility of locally elected school boards to make sound, transparent school budget decisions;
- Provides funding in a timely and predictable manner;
- Includes the principle of equalization;
- Funds the total excess allowable costs for special education and support services; and
- Recognizes that a long-term solution to education funding will require an ongoing, collaborative effort to execute a vision and strategic plan to grow and diversify our economy. (1997, amended 2009, 2018)
S-56 — Use of a Uniform Valuation Calculation to Determine Local Resources and State Aid - NASB supports a property tax assessment system that utilizes uniform accounting practices to determine the property valuation number from which local and state officials can calculate both the local resources available to fund schools from property taxes, and the resulting calculation of state aid payments to school districts. (2003)
S-57 — Vouchers and Tax Credits - NASB opposes any attempt to amend or circumvent the Nebraska and United States Constitutions to permit the use of public funds for the support, either direct or indirect, of schools not controlled by the public at large. NASB opposes any state or federal legislation allowing either tax credits or vouchers for children, or the parents or guardians of children attending nonpublic schools. or donors to scholarship funds for non-public education. (prior to 1995, amended 2020)
S-58 — Accountability - NASB believes that boards of education are accountable to students, parents, taxpayers, and employees for providing education programs, striving for education excellence, identifying education needs, adopting clearly defined written policies, measuring the success of instruction programs, and interpreting and disseminating information to the public through a public relations plan. (prior to 1995)
S-59 — Allied Schools - NASB opposes legislation that would mandate the formation of an allied system of school districts. (2014, amended 2016)
S-60 — Amend Open Meetings Act for Evaluations - NASB supports legislation to allow boards to go into executive session to discuss superintendent evaluations and/or for the narrowing down of superintendent candidates. (2017)
S-61 — Authority of School Boards - NASB supports the authority of boards of education to effectively govern and execute their statutory responsibilities. (1997, amended 2015)
S-62 — Charter Schools - NASB believes that any charter schools, or the like, involved with any aspect of K-12 education be authorized by a public school district, be located within the boundaries of such public school district and be accountable to the authorizing district for their student achievement, finances and operations. (1998, amended 2015)
S-63 — Duties of Schools - NASB believes that the primary function of Nebraska schools should be the education of students and that the Legislature should be discouraged from placing duties on school districts which are not directly related to education. (prior to 1995)
S-64 — E-meetings - Fully-Implemented or Partial Allowable Attendance - NASB supports legislation which allows for school board members to participate in school board meetings via electronic means while still maintaining a quorum when necessitated for the health and safety of the board and public. Virtual meetings cannot impede the public’s ability to participate. (2020)
S-65 — Educational Service Unit Governance - NASB supports governance of ESUs by elected boards and supports local determination of specific mechanisms of that governance. (2005)
S-66 — Educational Service Unit Reorganization - NASB supports the continuation of ESUs as an effective means of delivering educational services to school districts and their students. Any reforms would provide for a statutory hold harmless provision in the distribution formula for Core Service funding when an Equity Unit reorganizes with any other ESU, and must be mindful of ESUs’ essential role of delivering direct services and being responsible to the local school districts they serve. (2004, amended 2005)
S-67 — Interactive Remote Communication Technology (Televideo) - NASB urges the legislature to provide updated rules and procedures so patrons are able to readily testify at legislative hearings via televideo (interactive remote communication technology) on a regular, ongoing basis to allow for a more equitable opportunity for the public to participate in the legislative process. (2017)
S-68 — Local Control and the Possession of Firearms on School Grounds - NASB supports the rights of local school boards to determine the appropriateness, guidelines, and ability for the possession of firearms by non-law enforcement personnel on school grounds or at school related activities. (2023)
S-69 — Organization - NASB opposes legislation that would mandate consolidation of districts or administration. NASB favors cooperation between school districts as well as ESUs to remove all barriers and penalties to promote orderly and voluntary reorganization into more efficient governing and administrative units to best serve the educational needs of Nebraska’s children. (prior to 1995, amended 2008, 2015, 2017, amended 2019)
S-70 — Personal Liability - NASB opposes unnecessary laws which make individual members of a governing board of a political subdivision personally liable for damage judgements which result from lawsuits filed against the political subdivision. (prior to 1995, amended 2015)
S-71 — Publication of Minutes, Receipts, & Expenditures - NASB supports removing the requirement to publishing hearing notices and meeting minutes in public newspapers and supports the use of alternative means to communicate board activity. (2020)
S-72 — Restriction of Resources and Board Responsibilities - NASB supports legislation allowing local boards to function as elected officials and to continue to establish policies, including finance policies, as representatives of the constituents who elected them. (1997)
S-73 — School Activities - NASB supports direct involvement by boards of education in the governance and activities of the Nebraska School Activities Association. (prior to 1995)
S-74 — School Calendars - NASB opposes state mandated uniform opening and closing dates for local school districts. (prior to 1995)
S-75 — Updating notice requirements - NASB supports updating notice requirements for all school board meetings that recognizes available technology. (2022)
S-76 — Activity Assignments - NASB opposes legislation that would require a separate written employment contract for coaching or any other activity assignment that would require that a person be notified by a specified date of the termination of an assignment for the following year. (1999)
S-77 — Compensation - NASB will support a concept of compensation for teachers which is not based solely upon the experience and education attainment of teachers as found on standard salary schedules. (1995)
S-78 — Criminal Background Checks - NASB supports legislation which would aid public schools and ESUs in obtaining criminal background history information on prospective and current employees, and personnel provided through any contract service provider or anyone working on school property. (1999, amended 2006)
S-79 — Employee Bonuses and Incentives - NASB supports legislation creating a comprehensive plan to recruit, retain and reward highly qualified individuals for teaching professions throughout the state, including offering incentives to encourage employees to sign a contract of employment. (2001, amended 2015)
S-80 — Employee Support - NASB recognizes the need to support district employees with their health and supports initiatives that provide for the physical and mental wellness of all school employees. (2020)
S-81 — Medical Insurance - NASB supports the concept of exploring alternatives to the costs of health insurance for the purpose of assuring the greatest allocation of our financial resources to education programs and services for children. (prior to 1995, amended 2003)
S-82 — Recognition - NASB urges local school boards to develop and implement programs which recognize individuals for significant accomplishments and community service, experience, and competency. (prior to 1995, amended 2014)
S-83 — Retirement - NASB supports legislation to assure a retirement system that is sound, adequate, and sustainable for school districts and ESUs. (prior to 1995, amended 2012)
S-84 — Scope of Bargaining - NASB believes negotiations with employees should be limited to matters of employee salaries and fringe benefits, and opposes any attempt to broaden the scope of negotiations to include matters of policy and management rights. (prior to 1995)
S-85 — Staff Development and Evaluation - NASB supports in-service training, enrichment programs, and continuing education for professional staff. Regular evaluations of performance, competency in the subject areas, and demonstrated ability to instruct or manage, in part as shown through student performance, should be conducted to promote professional growth. (1995)
S-86 — Advisory Groups - NASB requests that there be board of education representatives on all government commissions, councils, and committees which could have an impact on local school district policy or finance. (1995)
S-87 — Choice and Affiliation - NASB supports the concepts of choice and affiliation among public schools as a means to maximize education opportunity. NASB believes any such program should result in the least amount of disruption and uncertainty for the affected school districts. (1995)
S-88 — Constitutional Rights & Responsibilities - NASB, and school board members, fully supports the U.S. Constitution and the rights and responsibilities embodied within it. NASB therefore supports education and behavior that teaches and models expression of these rights and responsibilities. (2009, amended 2015)
S-89 — Corporate Sponsorships in Schools - NASB opposes restrictions on school districts’ ability to exercise their best judgment in entering into corporate sponsorship agreements. (2004)
S-90 — Educational Service Units - NASB supports Educational Service Units as an effective and efficient means to provide educational services to local school districts. ESUs should be responsible to the local school boards they serve. (1997)
S-91 — Guiding the P-16 Effort: 21st Century Skills - NASB urges state and local policymakers to forge a new working relationship in redesigning Nebraska’s public education system for the 21st century, with a focus on improving student achievement and holding each level of the system accountable, from preschool through post-secondary education or training, in a manner that:
- Promotes multi-level communication and interaction between all P-16 partners to enhance student academic success;
- Offers all students a rigorous developmentally-appropriate curriculum designed to opportunities and choice, regardless of the post-secondary path they choose;
- Engages the assets of the full community;
- Utilizes data and technology to individualize education for students and to incorporate new learning into the design;
- Closes the achievement gap by focusing on quality teaching and learning opportunities;
- Implements standards-based education fully in a seamless curriculum, so one level of the system builds on the next and the end result is known and understood from the beginning;
- Provides sufficient resources that are adequate and sustainable at every level of the system to meet the challenge, resisting unfunded or underfunded mandates; and
- Preserves the ability of local school boards and their communities to address local needs and challenges in a flexible manner using a variety of options. (2009, amended 2016)
S-92 — Independent School Districts - NASB supports the independence of established PK-12 school districts and also supports the cooperation and equalization of opportunity among school districts within learning communities. NASB believes that any legislation introduced impacting school districts or learning communities should seek to give districts and learning communities equalized resources. Any legislation should also allow these independent districts to maintain their right to governance, district curriculum, and the allocation of resources. (2006, amended 2013)
S-93 — Local Control for Public PK-12 Schools - NASB believes public PK-12 systems should be organized to serve communities throughout Nebraska without arbitrary size limits or a single model, which would not fit our state’s varied communities. NASB opposes legislating arbitrary size limits and will work to remedy such limits currently in statute. (2006, amended 2013)
S-94 — Local District Advocacy - NASB supports the right and obligation of local school districts to advocate for legislative action that impacts their individual interests. (1996)
S-95 — NDE Authority - NASB opposes attempts by the legislature to preempt the statutory authority of the Nebraska State Board of Education to be the policy-forming, planning and evaluative body for Nebraska schools. (2017)
S-96 — Nonpublic Schools Standards - NASB believes that nonpublic schools should have the same state standards as the public schools, including school approval, accreditation, teacher certification and endorsement, and safety standards. (prior to 1995)
S-97 — Policy Leadership & Vision on the Future of Nebraska’s PK-12 Schools - NASB supports efforts to bring policy makers of the executive and legislative branches, educators, school boards, learning community coordinating councils, and ESU boards, and citizens together to determine the best course for the future delivery of PK-12 education to the students of the state. NASB boards emphasize increasing student achievement through governance structures that are clear, efficient, and controlled by the local district. (2003, amended 2008, 2010, 2013)
S-98 — Voting Higher Than a Simple Majority - The NASB firmly opposes any legislation that mandates a voting threshold higher than a simple majority for passing any issue presented to voters by a school district or ESU. We believe that requiring anything more than a majority vote undermines the democratic process and places undue barriers on the ability of school districts or ESUs to address critical needs and make decisions that reflect the will of the community. (2024)